Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Giving a Shot at Songwriting

My friend/neighbor Jon reminded me of a story I think I should share.  He and I were bored on a rainy Friday morning a few weeks ago and decided to write a song.  He is an excellent guitar player so he came up with a little tune and we went from there.  We wrote about our terrace.  Everyone in the apartment used to gather on the terrace but since it has been cooler at night that has stopped.  Anyway, our song became a hit among the residence and now when he starts playing the tune you can guarantee there will be someone that will start singing it.  I would share the lyrics but they are not exactly appropriate but I will share them when I get home if anyone is interested.  Hopefully we will have more songs to come.

1 comment:

Ann Hetrick said...

You are too funny! Sounds like you are having quite the adventure. Trip of a lifetime!

Aunt Ann