Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Week in Paradise

I have been in Italy for a little over a week now and I absolutely love this place.  Unfortunately when I was taking pictures of Il Duomo my tripod fell over and my camera is dead.  I made it one day here before I broke something.  On the plus side I am getting my new one soon and my lens is still in good shape.  Everything here is amazing.  My apartment is right next to the oldest church in Florence (this is what I have been old) and everyone that lives in the building is studying abroad so we all hang out on the terrace over looking Piazza del San Lorenzo.  As soon as I get my camera I will definitely be posting pictures.

Last night we went to go watch an Italian jazz band play a free concert then listened to a street performer on Ponte Vecchio, which is an old bridge lined with jewelry stores.  Florence is a completely different city at night.  All the tourists are off the streets and everyone is out just to have a good time and relax.  During the day the streets are packed with old people being herded around like cattle from one historical attraction to another.

I also went to the Mercato Centrale which is Europe's largest indoor food market (so I have been told).  It was amazing.  I haggled with an old lady who knew no English and helped some people understand English.  I will definitely be returning there at least once a week.  Everything was so fresh and cheap.

This weekend I might go into the hills on the other side of the river.  Hopefully I will have some pictures.


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